Cat and Dog Health and Travel Certificates in North Branford, CT
Dr. Mendillo is a USDA APHIS Accredited Veterinarian, which means she is qualified to provide domestic and international health certificates for pets traveling with their owners. Obtaining cat and dog health and travel certificates can be a time-consuming process depending on where you’re going, so it’s important to plan as far ahead as you can and get your pet’s paperwork completed at the right time.
If your pet needs a domestic or international travel health certificate, give us a call or text us at (203) 562-9896.

The Difference Between Domestic and International Certificates
Domestic and international health certificates are two very different things. Below we talk about some of the basics, but for more detailed information, you need to go here.
Domestic Health Certificates
Domestic health certificates for pets are generally not as rigorous and time-consuming to obtain as international certificates, but you still need to check in advance to see if your pet will need one for the state you’re traveling to. You should contact the airline you’ll be using, in addition to your destination state, for confirmation. If a certificate is needed, your pet will need to see Dr. Mendillo for a checkup and to verify that they are up to date with all their vaccines and blood work. All of this should be completed roughly 8-10 days before your travel date.
Be sure to provide us with information about who is traveling with your pet, whether there will be a change of ownership, and the destination address.